Preparing and Sending Tissues to Histology Core
From Bridges Lab Protocols
- Harvest tissue from animal, place into cassette and submerge in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 24-48 hrs (depending on thickness of sample).
- Move cassettes into 70% ethanol for 24 hrs. Samples can be left in 70% for long term storage, if required. Make sure the storage container is sealed so that the ethanol does not evaporate and samples are submerged for the entire storage period.
- Bring cassettes in a biohazard bag (with 70% EtOH) and completed request form (place in pocket of bag) to the UMCCC Tissue Core, information on location, phone number and hours of operation can be found here: The form can be found here
- Cassettes, bags and order request forms (must be copied, no link online) can be found in the lab in the large cabinet to the left of the sink.